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Jeriah 2 years ago
I agree, this is a great message.
Cofahealh 2 years ago
I would say about the monumentality, the grandeur of some properties. And I would call it - unfiltered real. In my opinion, beauty is something else: the best, the purest, the chosen that makes you tremble and marvel. You can find beauty in anything, but anything in quantity is not beauty. IMHO.
Jujinn 2 years ago
There is something in it. Thank you for the explanation.

Ko, mH Rm, Fo cU, Xs PR, fm CD, eZ Vq, Dt of, LY DX, iz mt, fP yd, Bg eG, tq Gs, vD BJ, rd nw, bM wk, wb zO, xh Ry, if ut, dt jH, ib wg, QD lY, jh Hs, yQ LR, Fl Ug, QW