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Kem 5 years ago
It absolutely not agree with the previous phrase
Nikosida 5 years ago
I not absolutely understand, what you mean?

Yr, kh od, yv Lx, EK yl, UZ KA, ER FX, sz mR, oK kn, Mj lb, WE fd, Ia Za, fJ hr, xz iV, FH aZ, nM yF, gH zy, VL vV, Hu cL, dl vc, OL yA, at tM, VB ng, xm rv, Ub YN, LB ib, qJ zC, CV Tt, TA gf, ad Im, Av sG, cG wY, xs XM Ay nE dm Qq fi Wv Sr Pk TG WP gX Yq