Facial hair folicles

A little about the video
Female facial hair a series of contradictions — common yet considered abnormal — and the pressure to remove it represents the most basic rules of the patriarchy. W omen like me have been keeping a secret. The removal of facial hair is just as paradoxical — the pressure to do it is recognized by many women as a stupid social norm and yet they strictly follow it. Because these little whiskers represent the most basic rules of the patriarchy — to ignore them is to jeopardize your reputation, even your dignity. More specifically, they were interested in terminal hairs ones that are coarser, darker and at least 0.
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Female facial hair: if so many women have it, why are we so deeply ashamed?

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Female Facial Hair Removal | LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor UK

Back to Health A to Z. Ingrown hairs cause red, often itchy bumps where a hair has grown back into the skin. There are things you can do to treat and prevent them and in most cases you will not need to a see a GP for treatment. Ingrown hairs can look like raised, red, itchy spots on the skin. Sometimes you can see a hair trapped under the skin. If you want to shave, or remove hair in another way, there are things you can do to prevent ingrown hairs and help them get better quicker.
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Contact your doctor if you have abnormal hair growth or other related symptoms. The doctor may run tests to check your hormone levels. If they are high in androgens, they may do an ultrasound to check your ovaries or a CT scan to check your adrenal gland.
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Your hair and nails help protect your body. They also keep the temperature of your body steady. As you age, your hair and nails begin to change. Hair color change. This is one of the clearest signs of aging.
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