Spotify is an audio playground of all sorts, but it is now facing a wave of hardcore pornographic content that is a direct violation of the streaming platform's own rules. Frequent users of the on-demand streaming service have probably come across goofy edits of sexualized or explicit album covers, such as the artwork for Impaled Nazarene's Vigorous and Liberating Death being covered with simple drawings of underwear over — gasp — naked skeletons, as well as the more optimal placement of a bra over a demonic goat's breasts and a red heart over a sex acts two of the five skeletons are engaged in. Still, every Cannibal Corpse album remains unedited, including their classic release, Tomb of the Mutilated , which features a zombie performing oral sex on another zombie as their bodies decay, so it's unclear by what standards Spotify deems censoring necessary. When it comes to images of hardcore pornography not involving skeletons getting freaky or Vincent Locke's drawings of carnal zombies, however, one would imagine it's pretty clear what type of sexual content violates Spotify's own rules , one of which has been duplicated below:.
35 Most Beautiful Black Female Celebrities - Gorgeous Black Women
This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. One Hamlet is played by a Black woman, the other by an actor playing an actor playing Hamlet, and neither production is like anything the Stratford Festival has staged before. The second production is a play-within-a-play and very meta. I think now we have more language … We have gender fluid, gender queer, non-binary, trans and all the different umbrellas that all those things fit under.
Nichelle Nichols , who broke a major race barrier as the star of the s sci-fi series Star Trek , has died. She was Nichols' death was confirmed by her talent manager and business partner of 15 years, Gilbert Bell, to Variety on Sunday. She died in Silver City, New Mexico. Last December, the star made her final convention appearance before her many fans as part of a three-day farewell celebration at L.
Growing up, I had never felt more invisible. I was a straight A student in a public charter school, but that was impossible to see when my behavior was always defined for me. I was not a troublesome student. In fact, I enjoyed following the rules.
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Tojakazahn 2 years ago
You have made a mistake. Let's talk about it. Write me a PM.
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You have made a mistake. Let's talk about it. Write me a PM.
Smart things, speak)