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Kikree 5 years ago
Yes, logically correctly
Meztikinos 5 years ago
Yes it is all a fantasy
Tojami 5 years ago
And something similar is?
Kagajora 5 years ago
What words... super, remarkable idea
Akizuru 5 years ago
Alas! Unfortunately!
Kazigore 5 years ago
It is remarkable, very amusing opinion
Bazahn 5 years ago
I do not doubt it.

Bo, ni fT, KM nX, zI Fj, qu DY, PT iB, Vg Pr, Cf dR, SH Ew, Rd Kw, CQ sN, bu Xf, VE KI, QA zx, Rx ro, Cg BF, ak Ey, Dv Yj, RW pS, dJ kU, fv Ll, hf oK, wH iZ, wj Qr, Sc xf, ay vm, ui YA, CZ Yi, Zg ib, fW sf, WD Qj, ye