If this song really means something special to you, describe your feelings and thoughts. Don't hesitate to explain what songwriters and singer wanted to say. Also we collected some tips and tricks for you:. Hardcore Superstar — Beg For It lyrics. Post my meaning Write my explanation new To explain lyrics, select line or word and click "Explain".
Am I thinking to loud? My brain hurts So I'll rest for a while Good luck! My head's about to break Emotionally sick I beg to differ just rotten inside Slowly I die Beg for it Lift me up let me touch the sky beg for it No more demons standing by my side They want inside my head Guess they want me dead Lying face down in my grave Beg for it No more demons standing by my side No way I'm kept in a cage My patience has expired I need a new face I feel emotional I feel I have to fly I'm not in to living if i know i'm going to die Slowly I die Good luck Cause I'm about to break I feel I have to fly Rest for a while I feel emotional I fell i have to fly Do I have to beg for it?
Please immediately report the presence on Rockol of any images not belonging to the above categories: we shall rapidly verify and proceed to immediately removing them in case of any unproper use. Beg for It. Beg for It Hardcore Superstar. Am I thinking to loud?