For example a long time ago I saw a guy with a furbog medicine pouch. The guy explained that you can actually farm rep while your character is dead without gaining experience. Personally had a 29 warr this guy , a 29 Hunter and a 29 Druid… all were viable in their own aspects. As with all twinking though, its extremely gear dependent.
WoW Classic Level 19 Twink Class Guides and BiS Gear
Twink | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Category: PvP Guides. One popular way to engage in lower level PvP is through something called twinking. This guide will explain just what twinking is, and how you can go about stomping other players in Warsong Gulch! Twinking is a PvP tradition almost as old as WoW itself!
Twink WoW - A low-level character made more powerful by higher-level characters, usually through gifts of armor and weapons that the character would not normally have at such low level. Also used as a verb to describe the act of giving low-level characters powerful items uncommon at their level. A typical twink, armed with heirloom sword and shoulders. Notice, though, no weapon enchants. Twinks are below level cap player characters who have gained powerful and uncommon gear for their level in their equipment slots.
Hi everyone, I am super excited about the release of wow classic and in particular about the return of twinking. In fact, I played a lot as a twink and with the return to vanilla I hope that the twink community will rebirth. It will be cool if we can have again a good and solid community of twink to share this passion. It's why I post this, to now if the twink community isn't dead.